J3:XVI  [John 3:16]

Owners, Jonathan and Karissa, are married and are best friends.  They have two beautiful daughters and reside on the island of Maui, Hawai'i.

Although being raised Christians, this couple did not always walk with the Lord.  They met up in a bar and their lifestyle consisted of drinking and partying.  It wasn't until 2013, when they were invited to a bible seminar led out by a childhood friend of Jonathan, that the couple saw their need for God.  They were re-baptized in 2014 and have made God the center of their marriage and family.

As their walk with God grew, so did their passion for starting a Christian clothing line.  Their goal was to create a unique brand using great fitting and feeling garments.  Through trial and error, God has guided them in creating a clothing line that is not only appealing but comfortable.

J3:XVI is a brand that is meant to stir up curiosity and spark conversation. It is Jonathan and Karissa's prayer that by wearing this brand, you will be blessed with opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with everyone who asks, "What's J3:XVI?"

The couple loves to hear personal stories from customers about how God has used the brand to bless them and the people they meet. If you have a story you would like to share, please contact support@j3xvishop.com.